Spiritan Newsletter n. 2

Number 2 - July 2021

Spiritan Newsletter n. 2

In our first newsletter, we looked at what the Central Development Office (Spiritan International) had achieved in its first few months of existence… Quite a positive assessment!

Today, with this second letter, we would like to focus on the two essential poles on which the entire development policy of the Congregation is based: the Local Development Offices (LDO) and the Support Development Offices (SDO). This is the topic of our Superior General.

As Pope Francis reminds us in his encyclical Laudato Si, no. 144, “Even the notion of quality of life cannot be imposed, but must be conceived within the world of symbols and habits proper to each human group”. For this reason, we want to give priority to setting up our Local Development Offices in the circumscriptions where we work, training the confreres and their collaborators so that they can become true agents of development where they are inserted, proclaiming the Gospel of the Father’s Love for all his children. We will see what is already happening in some countries…

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