Well diging and equipping project

Parish of St. Paul du Barué, Chimoio

Project Info

Project Description

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. Despite the high rate of economic growth and progress in development, poverty remains and is still widespread, particularly in rural areas. 80% of the country’s poor households live in these rural areas. Agriculture is the main source of food. And livelihoods. Lack of safe drinking water is a problem in almost all parts of the country and water supply systems are irregular and inadequate where they exist.

The well project in the parish is really vital because it will provide water on a regular basis, clean drinking water! This will help improve the health of many people, enabling them to better fight for their survival.

The diging of the well is taken care of by the local community despite using traditional methods but with cement nozzles. Then the water will be pumped in an existing tank.

In fact what cannot be financed is the pump and the pipes.
The cost of this material is 3 800 €.

You are donating to : Spiritan International

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